

by Boosting Cellular Health 


Revitalize your body with the transformative power of red light therapy. Experience a natural and non-invasive solution that promotes healing, rejuvenation, and overall wellness.

Elevate your health and well-being with this innovative technology—unleash a brighter, more radiant you, and EMBRACE THE REVITALIZING EFFECTS OF RED LIGHT THERAPY, TODAY.

10 Key Benefits of Red Light Therapy

  • Enhanced Skin Health: Stimulates collagen production, reducing wrinkles, fine lines, and promoting smoother skin.
  • Accelerated Wound Healing: Speeds up the healing process for cuts, scars, and injuries by boosting cell regeneration.
  • Pain Relief: Alleviates muscle soreness, joint pain, and inflammation by reducing oxidative stress.
  • Improved Circulation: Enhances blood flow, aiding in tissue repair and promoting overall cardiovascular health.
  • Reduced Inflammation: Helps mitigate inflammation, offering relief for various inflammatory conditions.
  • Enhanced Muscle Recovery: Speeds up recovery after exercise or injury, reducing downtime and enhancing athletic performance.
  • Supports Hair Growth: Stimulates hair follicles, promoting thicker, healthier hair growth and combating hair loss.
  • Mood Enhancement: Boosts serotonin production, potentially improving mood and combating symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
  • Joint Health: Helps manage symptoms of arthritis and joint-related issues by reducing inflammation and pain.
  • Supports Sleep Quality: Regulates circadian rhythms, potentially improving sleep patterns and overall sleep quality.
How does Red Light Therapy feel?

Under the gentle warmth of the red light, a sense of relaxation and calm envelops you. As the soothing glow penetrates your skin, there’s a subtle, comforting warmth that spreads throughout your body, melting away tension and stress. It’s a tranquil experience, almost like basking in the sun’s nurturing embrace, yet entirely gentle and without any discomfort. Each moment feels rejuvenating, as if your body is soaking in revitalizing energy, leaving you with a profound sense of renewal and refreshed vitality by the end of the session

Red light exposure has shown promising effects in helping to balance the autonomic nervous system, promoting a shift towards parasympathetic activity, known for its calming and restorative influence. This gentle stimulation encourages relaxation, reduces stress, and supports a more balanced nervous system response.

“Light is not just energy; it is information and communication. Photobiomodulation (PBM) is the language our cells speak to optimize health and vitality.” 

Dr. Michael Hamblin (Harvard Medical School)

Red Light & Gut Health

Add Red Light Therapy to your Gut Health Regime – Watch your Improvements Skyrocket!

Enhance your colonic by adding 20 minutes of red light to your session. 

NIH research highlights photobiomodulation’s promising impact on gut health, promoting a balanced digestive ecosystem. Our red light therapy sessions harness this science, offering a natural, non-invasive approach to support gut balance and overall well-being.

  • Scientific Backing: Studies by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) show promising connections between photobiomodulation, or red light therapy, and gut health.
  • Gut Microbiome Support: Research suggests red light therapy may positively influence the gut microbiome, promoting a more balanced and diverse ecosystem of gut bacteria.
  • Enhanced Digestive Balance:  Photobiomodulation has shown potential in supporting digestive balance, potentially aiding in issues related to gut function and discomfort.
  • Non-Invasive Approach: Red light therapy offers a non-invasive, gentle method to potentially support gut health without the use of oral anti-inflammatories or invasive procedures.
  • Natural Wellness Option:  Leveraging the scientific findings, red light therapy aims to harness these benefits, offering a natural approach to promote gut balance and overall digestive well-being.

1) “Photobiomics”: Can Light, Including Photobiomodulation, Alter the Microbiome?”
2) “Modifying the Microbiome as a Potential Mechanism of Photobiomodulation: A Case Report”

Juanita’s Favorite “Top 3” Benefits of Red Light Therapy 

1. Decreases Inflammation
Systemic and local, and very importantly in your gut!

Red light therapy reduces inflammation by stimulating mitochondria within cells, promoting the release of anti-inflammatory mediators and inhibiting pro-inflammatory molecules. This process helps modulate the immune response, decreasing inflammation and providing relief for various inflammatory conditions.

2. Collagen Boost  
Skin health, anti-aging, wound healing

Red light therapy boosts collagen production by activating fibroblast cells, triggering an increase in the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins essential for skin elasticity and repair. The light wavelengths penetrate the skin, stimulating cellular activity and promoting the creation of new collagen fibers, leading to firmer, smoother skin.

3. Mental Health Improvements 
Mood, sleep, cognitive, clarity, balances stress responses

Red light therapy may positively impact mental health by enhancing serotonin production and regulating circadian rhythms, potentially alleviating symptoms of depression, anxiety, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The exposure to specific light wavelengths prompts biological responses that support mood regulation and overall mental well-being.

Book Your Red Light session NOW

Frequently Asked Questions
Is Red Light Therapy dangerous?

Red light therapy, when used appropriately following manufacturer guidelines, is generally considered safe and non-invasive. It emits low levels of light that don’t generate heat or cause damage to the skin or tissues.

However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have specific health conditions or concerns, to ensure it’s safe for your individual needs

How long is a Red Light session?

The duration of a red light therapy session can vary based on the specific device, the power output of the panel, and the intended therapeutic goals. Generally, sessions range from a few minutes up to around 20-30 minutes. However, specific guidelines provided by the manufacturer or healthcare professional should be followed for optimal and safe usage.

Starting with shorter sessions and gradually increasing exposure time can be a recommended approach when beginning red light therapy.

Sessions at Radiance Health Center are 20 minutes.

Are there contraindications to Red Light Therapy?

While red light therapy is considered safe for most people, there are a few contraindications and considerations to keep in mind. It’s generally not recommended for individuals who:

  1. Are Pregnant: Red light therapy hasn’t been extensively studied for its effects during pregnancy, so it’s advised to avoid it during this time.
  2. Have Epilepsy or a History of Seizures: Some studies suggest that light exposure might trigger seizures in susceptible individuals, so caution is advised.
  3. Have a History of Skin Cancer or Lesions: Using red light therapy directly on or near areas with active skin cancers or lesions is generally discouraged.
  4. Take Photosensitive Medications: Certain medications can increase sensitivity to light, potentially causing adverse reactions when exposed to red light therapy.

Always consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any medical conditions or concerns, before starting red light therapy or any new treatment. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific health circumstances.

Does Red Light Therapy have side effects?

Red light therapy is considered safe with minimal side effects reported. However, some individuals might experience mild and temporary side effects such as:

  1. Mild Eye Strain: If the eyes are directly exposed to the light, there might be temporary discomfort or strain. Using protective goggles or closing the eyes during the session can prevent this.
  2. Skin Irritation: Rarely, some people might experience mild skin irritation or redness, especially if they have extremely sensitive skin or if the device is used at a high intensity. This usually resolves quickly and isn’t common.
  3. Headaches or Fatigue: Excessive exposure or sensitivity to light might cause headaches or fatigue in some individuals. Adjusting the duration or intensity of sessions can help alleviate this.

As with any treatment, it’s essential to follow manufacturer guidelines, start with shorter sessions, and monitor how your body responds. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consulting with a healthcare professional before starting red light therapy is advisable.

How is a commercial Red Light device different that at-home models?

Commercial red light panels are typically larger and more powerful compared to at-home devices. Commercial panels, often found in professional settings like clinics or wellness centers, are designed to cover larger surface areas and deliver higher intensities of red and near-infrared light. They’re tailored for more extensive use and are often used for broader applications, accommodating multiple clients throughout the day.

In contrast, at-home red light therapy devices are more compact, portable, and designed for personal use. They’re usually smaller, covering a smaller area of the body, and offer lower power output compared to commercial-grade panels.

How many Red Light Therapy sessions do I need?

The number of red light therapy sessions needed can vary significantly based on several factors, including the specific condition being treated, the individual’s response to therapy, the device used, and the goals of the treatment.

For general wellness or skin-related purposes, some people might notice benefits after just a few sessions. However, for more specific conditions such as chronic pain, skin conditions, or other health issues, a more extended treatment plan may be necessary. This might involve several sessions per week for several weeks or even months to achieve optimal results.

Healthcare professionals or the device manufacturer may provide guidance on the recommended frequency and duration of sessions based on individual needs and the intended therapeutic goals. Regular and consistent use is often key to obtaining the best outcomes with red light therapy.

How can I pass the time standing for 20 minutes?

During the 20-minute red light therapy session, you can engage in various activities to pass the time comfortably. Consider listening to calming music, a podcast, or an audiobook to relax your mind. Bring your ear pods!

Alternatively, use this time for mindfulness practices such as deep breathing exercises or meditation to enhance relaxation and promote overall well-being.

Is Red Light Therapy harmful to the eyes?

Red light therapy is generally considered safe for the eyes, as the light emitted is low-energy and doesn’t cause harm to the retina.

However, it’s essential to avoid direct eye exposure to the light source during the session to prevent any potential discomfort or strain. Using protective goggles or simply keeping the eyes closed during the treatment is a recommended precaution.

Design Rachel Pesso
Development Alchemy + Aim